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Serial Interfaces - I²C


  • Inter-Integrated Circuit
  • Serial data bus developed by Phillips in 1982
  • Mainly: Communication between a controller and peripherals on a printed circuit board
  • only two signal wire are needed:
    • SCL: slave clock
    • SDA: slave data
  • designed for short cable length
  • technically identical bus standard: SMB (System Management Bus), TWI (Two-Wire Interface)

alt: "I²C bus topology", src: "Wikipedia-Commons", w:50

  • typically: one master per I²C bus (multi-master systems seldom used)
  • multiple slaves
  • SDA and SCL lines are held on H level by a pullup resistor
  • Master and slaves can pull SDA and SCL lines to GND.

alt: "I²C signal pattern", src:"", w:75

  • Master starts communication by sending the START sequence: SDA line is pullup down before SCL line.
  • Each slave has a unique 7-bit address (MSB first)
  • Master sends the address of the corresponding slave.
  • The R/W bit is added to define wether data is written or read to the slave.
    • R/W = 0 → Write data to the slave
    • R/W = 1 → Read data from the slave
  • The 7-bit address together with the R/W bit is defined a the 8-bit address. Make sure to find out the correct address in the datasheet.
    8-bit address = ((7-bit address) << 1) + (R/W bit)
  • The slave sends an acknowledgement by pullup down the SDA line. If no slave with this address is present, the communication stops, until the master gives up.
  • Depending on the R/W bit an arbitrary number of bytes is transferred. The receiver sends an acknowledgement after each byte.
  • The communication is stopped by the master sending the stop condition: SCL line is released before the SDA line.

I²C Slave Example: Si7021


  • Humidity and temperature sensor
  • Simple connection interface: VDD, GND, SDA, SCL
  • very low standby current: 60 nA
  • 7 bit address: 0x40

alt: "Si7021 I²C commands", w:66, src: "Datasheet, page 18"

MSP430 Registers

alt: "Register UCBxCTL0", src: "Family Guide, page 468", w: 75

alt: "Register UCBxCTL1", src: "Family Guide, page 469", w: 75

I²C Library

  • Download:
  • I²C with behavior with ACK is rather complex.
  • Flag polling can freeze program, when slave does not respond.
  • I²C library uses the WDT to generate a timeout and ensure no program freezing.
  • I²C communication is aborted in case of a timeout.
  • A return value is given on abort.

Check Si7021 Presence

#include <msp430.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "pins.h"
#include "term.h"
#include "i2c.h"

int main(void) {
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;    // stop watchdog timer


    while (1) {
        uint8_t data[2];
        uint8_t result = i2c_read(0x40, data, 1);

        term_print("I2C read on address 0x40: ");

  • A read request is attempted on address 0x40.
  • If result == 1, there is a error on the I²C bus and the I²C did not respond.
  • When running the program, the debug terminal output should return a green P.
  • Removing the WuRx shield and disconnecting the Si7021 should result in a red X.

Reading Temperature Value

  • Note!: Some WuRx shield have the HTU21D populated instead of the Si7021. Most I²C registers are identical, but the timing is slower.
  • For the following programs the timing values of the HTU21D will be used to ensure compatibility.
  • The temperature measurement is stated by sending the I²C command 0xF3. A pointer is to forward the message to the library.
uint8_t data = 0xF3;
i2c_write(0x40, &data, 1);
  • The program must wait 70 ms to ensure complete measurement.
  • The result is read by an I²C interaction directly into a 16 bit integer.
uint16_t raw_data;
i2c_read(0x40, (uint8_t *) &raw_data, 2);
  • Because the data is read MSB first from the sensor, but MSP430 is storing LSB first, the bytes are swapped with a MSP430 library function.
raw_data = __swap_bytes(raw_data);
  • The raw data can be print over the debug terminal:
term_print("raw data T=0x");
term_hex(raw_data, 4);


This source code is only for your information. You are missing essential files to run the program on your device. Nevertheless, study the code carefully.

#include <msp430.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include "pins.h"
#include "term.h"
#include "i2c.h"

int main(void) {
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;    // stop watchdog timer


    while (1) {
        // I²C Check
        uint8_t data[2];
        uint8_t result = i2c_read(0x40, data, 1);

        term_print("I2C read on address 0x40: ");

        // Temperature
        uint8_t data2 = 0xF3;
        i2c_write(0x40, &data2, 1);
        uint16_t raw_data;
        i2c_read(0x40, (uint8_t *) &raw_data, 2);
        raw_data = __swap_bytes(raw_data);

        term_print("raw data T=0x");
        term_hex(raw_data, 4);
